About Nanguan

About Nan Guan Community College

        Nan Guan Community College mainly serves the “Nanguan Line”, covering Rende District, Gueiren District, Guanmiao District, and Longci District. Centered around people’s lives, community residents can continually learn and grow through classes and community participation to establish a civil society. The school’s vision is to “discover, preserve, and restore the local culture and local knowledge of the Nanguan Line”, “achieve accessible learning and a civil society; guide teachers and students to participate in Tainan City’s public issues and to pay more attention to public affairs.” The school also hopes to “build the community into a home” through four major ways: “passing down cultural knowledge, strengthening industries, caring for the minority, and livening up the community.”


        The Nanguan Line is rich with cultural industries such as bamboo weaving, rattan weaving, collage artworks, among others. Cultural roots run deep and the locals are simple and honest, so the people here are relatively conservative toward public participation. By developing courses based upon local knowledge, the public can discover more about the local cultural industries of the Nanguan Line and incorporate that knowledge into marketing to preserve and promote the cultural industries of the Nanguan Line. Uncovering local knowledge and training community members is the main developmental focus and educational goal for Nan Guan Community College.


        In terms of public participation, students need to learn to increase social awareness and to pay attention to public issues. Through the promotion of different courses, a friendly learning environment, training community talents, improving the school’s morale, and effectively using community resources, the school  is preserving local knowledge, becoming a long-term member in the community, and establishing the community college’s local character. The school is also helping the community by focusing its growth on local environmental issues, the expansion of rivers and streams, and supporting minority groups.


        The school envisions accessible learning and a civil society through “passing down cultural knowledge, strengthening industries, caring for the minority, and livening up the community.” By providing the public with a lifelong learning platform and assisting in the establishment of the community, it is with high hopes that the Nanguan area will become a new cultural living area. The school plans to achieve these goals through the following ways:

1.     Increase community service and participation and actively support students in minority groups to create a fair and just society.

2.     Emphasize Nanguan’s distinguishing features through school courses to pass down cultural knowledge.

3.     Establish Nanguan area’s culture and strengthen its industries.

4.     Connect resources from various areas, pay attention to public issues in the community, and actively promote community development.



(1)  Take the Tainan City route 182 to the Gueiren roundabout, drive north along Zhongzheng North Road for about 600 meters to arrive at the school.

(2)  Take the Tainan Bus Red Line and get off at the Gueiren roundabout. Walk north along Zhongzheng North Road for about 600 meters, or take the Tainan Bus Red 1 to National Hsin-Feng Senior High School to arrive at the school.


Contact Information


Address:   No. 148, Sec. 1, Zhongzheng N. Rd., Gueiren Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan (National Hsin-Feng Senior High School)

Telephone number:  06-2394763

Fax number:   06-2391895

此文章來自 南關社區大學   http://www.nanguan.org.tw
此文的網址是:   http://www.nanguan.org.tw/modules/tinyd0/index.php?id=3